The most undeniable fact of life is that it will end. However, too often families and caregivers go to extraordinary lengths to avoid end-of-life planning until it is too late. I have already written about hospice and bereavement counseling as valuable services to caregivers coping with dementia. Another is Doula. Continue reading “Doula: Spiritual support at end of life”
Beware bogus brain boosters!
According to the American Association of Retired Persons, one in four over the age of 50 takes a brain supplement, despite the fact that they are likely only flushing their money down the drain!
Why would we do this? Continue reading “Beware bogus brain boosters!”
Keeping Our Loved Ones Safe
When we raised children, their safety was first and foremost. Later, when we are caring for a loved one with dementia, we may pay less attention to their safety because they are adults and they have had a lifetime of learning what is safe and what is not. But we must understand that dementia has eroded or erased the memories of what they have learned about being safe. In addition, dementia degrades all of one’s senses and, over time, their physical abilities. Continue reading “Keeping Our Loved Ones Safe”
Can Lyme Disease cause Alzheimer’s?
Lyme is a bacterial disease carried by ticks, transmitted to people through infected blood. With the arrival of summer, we always see more in the news about Lyme disease. Recently, I have heard a lot of speculation about whether Lyme – or tick bites – might be one of the causes of Alzheimer’s disease. Continue reading “Can Lyme Disease cause Alzheimer’s?”